01 October 2010


I'm not sure what happened.  It was summer when I left the house this morning.  The sun was shining.  There was a nice, gentle breeze.  Somehow, though, by the end of the afternoon, fall had finally arrived. The gentle breeze has gotten a little rowdy, and the sky looks like this:

I'm not sad; I've been telling you for weeks how ready I am for the fall.  It's just funny how quickly it can sneak up on you like that, such a stark change in the season.  If the experts are to be believed, we're going to see some even bigger changes when winter comes to Seattle this year.  Bring it on, I say...

I'm also celebrating some belated birthday mail that arrived in our mailbox today.  My dear farmer friend in Virginia sent a lovely letter, along with a Ziploc bag labeled "Magic Beans."  I guess I'll have to plant some to find out exactly what they do, but you must admit, magical powers aside, they sure are pretty beans...

Our weekend plans include eating lots of produce--our fridge is bulging with the CSA harvest--and helping my sister-in-law's family move into their new home.  After that, it's back to work for me.  If I had more time this weekend, though, my to-do list would look something like this:

Get a kitten.  Right now.
Stop thinking about babies.
Decide whether you're in or out.
Do not buy this.
Make these cookies again.  And then give them all away.
Wait patiently for someone to ask what you'd like for Christmas.

Happy weekend, everyone!  Check back next week for a new seasonal feature: Soup Tuesday!  See you then...

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