27 April 2010


It might be hard to see from where you're sitting, but that right there is a sock.  Or, most of a sock.  It's been sitting on the needles for a long time.  So long, in fact, that when I picked it up tonight, a poof of dust lifted off the top.  It's kind of sad, really.  Especially when you figure that it's only the first of what I originally planned to be a pair of socks.

Most of the other "making and doing" categories of my life are in similarly sorry shape.  My ability to do things like write a letter, bake muffins, or fold the laundry has been in a downward spiral for the past several months.  I didn't really notice, at first, but it's become pretty obvious that all the time spent on "wedding stuff" has been nudging nearly every other extracurricular to the bottom of a long, long to-do list.  (You might notice that I've designated "folding laundry" as an optional activity.  I should point out that some people do not share this view.  My partner-in-crime, for instance.)

I would be more upset by all the disruption, maybe, if I didn't realize how temporary the situation really is.  When the wedding is over and done with--along with the subsequent traveling, the second reception in Washington, and the general cleaning up afterwards--I'm going to suddenly find myself with time again. I'll go back to plain old "because I feel like it" crafting, instead of all these funny little projects with deadlines and consequences.  Hopefully, life will feel less out-of-balance.

In the meantime, though, things are going to be a little rough.  Especially for my poor, nearly-abandoned mini-farm on our back porch.  I might have to carve out at least a little bit of time to get things growing there.  Food is pretty important.  After all, a girl can't live on Once Wed alone.

Or can she?

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